Welcome to your sacred journey

A Space Where Magic Meets Wellness.

Embrace Your Journey to Self Discovery through Embodied & Collective Healing.

The Mission

At Sacred Journey Collective, we believe in the transformative power of holistic healing and the profound impact it can have on the individual and collective journey towards wellness.
Here, we honor the sacred dance of healing, knowing it to be a profound pilgrimage that shapes both the individual and the collective voyage towards well-being and transcendence. Our sacred purpose is to offer a haven for all souls yearning to rediscover their inner resilience and balance through an eclectic tapestry of healing arts.

We are dedicated to nurturing the mind, body, and soul through a comprehensive suite of holistic services including somatic healing, breathwork, sound healing, energy healing, and bodywork. Our workshops, events, and trainings are designed to empower our community, fostering a deep sense of connection, healing, and growth. Guided by compassion, expertise, and a commitment to inclusivity, Sacred Journey Collective endeavors to support every individual on their unique path to healing and self-discovery.

Meet April!

Somatic Healer, Holistic Bodyworker, Breathwork Guide & Founder of Sacred Journey Collective


Has served 2 decades in the holistic healing space.

Started using Somatic methods 14 years ago intuitively.

Hails from a long line of healers from her motherland in the Philippines.

Believes that you are the guru, and you are the healer you've been looking for.

Passionate about body positivity, inclusivity, and diversity in the lightworker/wellness space.

Is deconditioning from a world built on the wounded masculine and now working to harmonize the divine feminine with divine masculine.

Is a wife and a mother to two amazing little souls.

Drinks mushroom coffee every morning.

Loves impromptu dance parties.

Thrives off of deep and meaningful conversations.

Human Design: 5/1 Splenic Projector.

Astrological Placements: Sun - Aries, Moon - Pisces, Rising - Scorpio

My goal is to help you in connecting with your body to live from a more embodied place.

From this place, we are magical, intuitive, sovereign and liberated.


Collective Healing Events

Here, you will find all upcoming collective healing events, workshops, and retreats.

Private Sessions

Work with April privately 1 on 1 or for private group sessions with your people.

Courses & Trainings

Learn Somatic Healing & Breathwork for your own self development and/or to help others through embodied healing methods.

My sister in law and I found April on Instagram while doing research into Somatic Breath-work and she had posted an ad for her class. She Is the best thing to come along in a while!! I have never been very good at self-care and am trying to do better. Since we found her I have been to 3 breath work classes, 1 massage, and 2 of the cacao breath work classes. Every time is different and every time is really great! April has a way about her that makes you feel very comfortable in the space. If you are concerned about the group class, (I was at 1st) Her classes are intimate and it is a safe space! Even with other people there I have been able to stay in my head and work through my issues while also enjoying the vibe in the room and the instructions April gives. During the sharing portion of the class I have realized that I am not alone in the struggles I have which for some reason is reassuring and helps me personally to let go. And during the breathing portion of the class I have been able to release sadness, stress, traumas, and anger that I have bottled up for the last 40+ years. In the stressful world we live in I genuinely believe that everyone needs this in their lives and I encourage you to sign up for a class with April. I have gone to at least one a month since November 2022 and I plan to keep that up for as long as I can. I appreciate her and the space she provides and I have a long way to go! Thanks April!!

  • -Jenn K.


Foundations of Somatic Embodiment

Start to connect back to your body and harness the insights of the wisdom that lies within you.


Headline that hooks people in, gets them excited and makes them want to sign up.

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